At GTMA, we're committed to fostering a space for growth and continuous learning.

One way we achieve this is through our ambassador program, which allows industry experts or thought leaders to share their learnings with our wider community. From hosting regular meetups to creating informed content, ambassadors breathe life into our community by sharing their invaluable experiences in the GTM field.

Our ambassador, Tanwistha Gope, shares what she's enjoyed most about the ambassadorship and why this aspect of our community is so enriching professionally and personally.

Thank you, Tanwistha, and happy reading!

A guide to successful product launches through collaboration and positioning
In today’s competitive market, the success of a product launch hinges on a blend of collaboration and impactful positioning. This article provides insights into two key aspects: establishing transparent roles and responsibilities and fostering cross-team collaboration.

Please tell us a bit about yourself and your work.

I’m a product marketing manager based in Bangalore, India, with over 13 years of experience in product roles. 

While working as a technical writer, I realized I wanted to contribute to something more strategic and cross-functional within the organization. While I understood the problems we were solving, I started questioning why we were solving them. I became curious about how competitors were tackling similar challenges or if they were addressing those problems at all. Additionally, I wanted to know more about other issues customers might be facing and what lay beyond the enhancements our product managers were creating.

Speaking to different teams, I realized the lack of timely product launch plans and positioning efforts. That is how my interest in Product Marketing took shape, and now I’m a PMM at a European startup focused on customer data platforms. 

In my current role, I wear many hats and orchestrate various facets of product marketing. From leading kickoffs and crafting compelling content to collaborating with partners and distilling industry insights, I have honed my skills in multitasking and adaptability. 

How’d you first hear about our community, and what attracted you to the opportunity to become an ambassador?

I have always believed that as a product person, having an online presence and building a personal brand is essential. That's when I started following the PMA LinkedIn page and joined the PMA Slack channel. Within a week of joining the group, I loved the interaction across the different sub-groups/channels.

In no time, I became an active member of the India Chapter. By then, I was interested in exploring the GTM side of things, so I joined the Go-to-Market Alliance community.

I wanted a structured platform to help me grow as a PMM and make my LinkedIn presence more reliable, so I didn't think twice about becoming an ambassador. I am always super excited about content creation and its process, so this seemed like the best opportunity.

Has the experience lived up to your expectations?

Since joining, the program has exceeded my expectations.

Interacting with fellow ambassadors has been incredibly enriching, providing me with invaluable insights, diverse perspectives, and real-world experiences. Each discussion has left me with fresh ideas and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of product marketing with an added layer of GTM perspective. And, more importantly, the ambassador program has been a source of continuous inspiration, empowering me to think more effectively and strategically as a Product Marketing Manager (PMM).

In essence, the ambassador program has provided exactly the kind of learning and growth opportunities I had hoped for.

You’ve helped us as both a content contributor and ambassador. What aspect of that have you really enjoyed?

The GTMA community has been very open in terms of sharing ideas, and I have never been exposed to strict structures, styles, or deadlines, which has given me the freedom to come up with new ideas. What I love the most is the brainstorming part of the entire journey as a content contributor or ambassador.

I want to give credit to the GTMA team as they have been leading from the front, expressing that they only want the best for the community, and that can be achieved if they empathize with the ambassador’s timeline, understanding that we are all working professionals.

In short, being an ambassador has sharpened my creative side, constantly nurtured my learnings, and helped me stay on top of the overall aspect of my job as PMM.

And what’s your message for anyone looking to join our community

By joining this community, rest assured that you will engage in a daily learning routine. From best practice content to suggestions and advice from market-leading PMM and GTM leaders, you are here to learn and grow. You are also guaranteed to develop as an individual who can continue to share knowledge with others, thereby contributing to the community's growth. 

Not an ambassador but still want to contribute to GTMA?

Well, good news - you absolutely can!

We'd love to hear from you, so please reach out to our lovely team and we can discuss next steps!

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