The Go-to-Market Framework


Ever felt a little overwhelmed when it comes to planning a strategic and effective go-to-market strategy? 🤔

We know - it's a ton of moving parts. And if a product launch is going to set your business apart, you’ll need to nail every stage of your go-to-market strategy (the pre-launch, launch, and post-launch phases.)

From pre-launch planning to post-launch optimization, your GTM strategy covers a lot of ground and involves a hands-on approach from beginning to end. But with the right foundation in place, those key stakeholders by your side, and a solid product roadmap to keep you centered, there's much you can do and achieve.

And our framework's here to guide you every step of the way.


It's all well and good if you have a great idea for a new product, but if you have no clue how to make it a reality, this new product or feature won't get very far.

So, like we said, you'll want to establish a solid foundation before bringing a product to the market.

Think of it like this: If your product concept sits merrily at the top, what pillars support that idea?

Enter the pre-launch, or ideation, stage. This is where you really bring your cross-functional teams together and determine how you're getting from point A to point B.

And remember - when setting up your GTM plan, it can be tricky to determine where to start or what to change. Sometimes, however, it’s helpful to start with the very basics.

The basics in question?

Your customer and market research, value proposition, pricing strategy, messaging and positioning, etc. Quite a lot to cover, no?

Well, here are some topics you'll want to acquaint yourself with so you can confidently plan out a winning GTM strategy.

Enriching personas with jobs-to-be-done
Georgia Diaconsescu, PMM at What3Words shares an actionable nine-step plan & learnings around enriching Personas with Jobs-To-Be-Done.
How to choose the best pricing strategy for your Go-to-Market launch
It can be really easy to shy away from the numbers side of things, especially when budget normally feels like a limitation on your creativity. But your pricing strategy is a really important part of your Go-to-Market. Pay attention to it, and it can be a tool to propel your launch forwards.
What is positioning? | The complete guide
A market positioning strategy is a set of actions and processes that are designed to improve the image and visibility of a brand, company, or product.
What is product messaging? Your complete guide
Make a mark with your next round of messaging and discover how we can help your team in this complete guide.
Narrative Design for Go-to-Market
Revolutionize your GTM approach with narrative design – the key to impactful marketing and brand-building in every product launch.
How can sales enablement improve your Go-to-Market strategy?
Sales enablement is a relatively new function in B2B businesses, and it holds a lot of potential for your Go-to-Market strategy. Sales enablement is heavily associated with onboarding, but these multifaceted teams also support sales kick-offs, content creation and cross-functional collaboration.
The most essential Go-to-Market metrics and how to track them
Any product launch depends on whether your teams can come together and establish where there’s space to improve. The best way to gauge if your teams are on track? Looking at the right metrics. In this article, we go through some of GTM’s essential metrics and why they matter when making decisions.


At the second phase of your GTM strategy development (we call this the build or execution stage), you're set to launch your product. 

Exciting, right? 🤩 

But, to quote one of our contributors on what it's like to launch a product, well...

[It] can be both exciting and daunting. However, by championing the alignment of metrics, evaluating results, and learning from successes and failures, the chances of a successful launch increase substantially.
- Meenal Relekar

This is the time to leverage all the prep that's gone into the launch run-up. Whether that's bringing together the relevant cross-functional teams, going through a handy product launch checklist, or gathering as much intel on your ideal customers as possible, make sure all your launch assets are ready to go and that users won't experience any bumps along the way. 

The secret to getting this go-to-market stage right is testing out your product or features internally and externally, being receptive to all feedback, and keeping an open mind to how to improve a current or new offering. 

Wondering which building blocks make up this second phase? 

Your ultimate product launch checklist
f you own your company’s Go-to-Market strategy you’ve probably got a lot of plates spinning right now. In the run-up to launch, there’re lots of tasks belonging to multiple teams that you have to make sure get done.
What is customer lifecycle marketing, and how is it used by businesses?
Engaging with customers is a basic building block of marketing your business and is crucial to increasing overall sales and revenue. Customer lifecycle marketing offers a way to plan for interactions throughout the whole customer journey.
4 steps to sharpen your GTM focus with customer segmentation
Once you’ve defined your ideal customer profile, and your TAM, you can think of this as the launching off point for pricing and packaging strategies, product launch or messaging and positioning, all core ingredients for GTM success.
All you need to know about customer acquisition
Though customer marketing is most commonly referred to as a post-purchase position, customer marketers need to have a basic understanding of the whole customer journey. So, if you’re new to customer acquisition, this article covers it all.
Your guide to customer activation
Understanding the value of your customer lifecycle is crucial to getting your go-to-market strategy right. As with most things inherent to GTM, your customers’ journeys will look different case by case. Read on to learn about customer activation, best practices, and mistakes to avoid.
The complete guide to customer onboarding
The customer onboarding process is the post-conversion phase whereby companies divert their attention to ensuring they help their customers get the most value from their product.


You’ve poured your blood, sweat, and tears into getting your product to market.

And, hate to say it, but... the hard work isn’t over. 🥹

An essential element of success is what happens afterward and how your customers perceive and experience the product offering, that’s the post-launch stage. The most significant risk you can fall into by not having a post-launch stage planned is that you will end up with an outdated product a few months after.
- Menelaos Moustakas, Director of Global Product Marketing at SumUp

Your post-launch process holds as much importance as the stages building up to the excitement of the highly anticipated launch.

At this final stage, it’s time to prolong your efforts and oversee the development and growth of your product.

What does a product launch optimization look like in practice?

For starters, look at the data - how well are you performing? Based on this, prioritize adapting and improving existing marketing strategies. Then consider whether you've the resources to expand to new markets, and - finally - keep an eye on the market.

Think: What changes could inform your current strategies? And what are your customers asking for?

Get acquainted with all the necessary post-launch steps and tips you need to take to make sure your product performs well after launch.

5 strategies to increase your market share
Increasing your market share can seem daunting, but if you don’t do it, your competitors surely will. In this article, we’ll explore five proven strategies to help you claim your place in the market. From understanding your target audience and the power of SEO, we’ll dive into practical tips.
How to measure the success of your product launch
Metrics and KPIs give you the power to take control, track, and measure your product launch. In this article, we’ll be breaking down the metrics you need to measure for product launch success and how to measure them.
Using customer feedback to improve your product
As many product marketers will testify, bringing a product to market is no piece of cake. From conducting market research and forming your personas to completing competitor analysis, you need to follow a long process, before unleashing your creation on the world.
How case studies can elevate your content-led GTM approach
Case studies are one of the most powerful content tools in the GTM playbook. Buyers are looking for third-party validation, and what better than a peer who’s made a similar decision? In case studies, sellers have an external voice sharing what your solution provides and the value it delivers.
Customer lifetime value: How to calculate and increase it
In this article, we’ll show you how to shift focus to the big-picture relationship with customers. You’ll learn how to calculate the revenue you can expect over the entire lifespan of your average customer – with an insightful metric called customer lifetime value (CLV).
Why you need an outcome driven product roadmap
a product roadmap can be so much more than a timeline. It can be an agile and strategic tool to help you not only keep up with a rapidly changing market, but to have the adaptability you need to get ahead of competitors.

Can't wait to learn some more? 🧠

Then, hear us out.

Beyond the essentials, our Go-to-Market Blueprint provides critical learning at the point of need for all functions involved in the GTM motion.

Packed with real-world case studies, tried and tested frameworks, action-led insights, and cohort-based learning, it’s home to everything you need to build, execute, optimize, and grow your GTM tactics and strategy.

Have a look and discover all the courses we have to offer.

Go-to-Market Blueprint
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